José Maria Larocca wint Rolex Grand Prix, presented by Audi (1.60m | € 500.000)

‘Dit is een droom die uitkomt’ José Maria Larocca (Finn Lente) is de eerste Argentijn in 50 jaar die een 5* Grand Prix wint. En Larocca wist zijn locatie goed uit te kiezen: de Brussels Stephex Masters. Argentijnen hebben goede smaak. Vorig jaar ondernam Larocca ook al een poging. Hij strandde toen op de tweede […]
Belgische topruiters strijden om half miljoen euro in Rolex Grand Prix van Brussel

De Belgische paardensport wordt reeds jaren synoniem bevonden met kwaliteit. Kwaliteit die we vandaag in Meise op de Brussels Stephex Masters naar het oppervlak zullen zien drijven. Hier staat op zondag namelijk de Rolex Grand Prix, presented by Audi van Brussel op het programma. Uit alle uithoeken van de wereld komen hier de beste ruiters […]
Alles wat je moet weten over een CSIO5* wedstrijd

Heb je u ooit afgevraagd wat termen als ‘CSI’, ‘FEI’, ‘5* level’ of ‘Nations Cup’ betekenen? Deze worden vaak gebruikt in de jumpingwereld. Als toeschouwer van een jumpingwedstrijd is het handig om te weten waar deze termen voor staan. Lees verder en ontdek wat een CSIO5* zo speciaal maakt: De basics van jumping Jumping is […]
Ben Maher clinches victory in the Rolex Grand Prix, presented by Audi (CSIO5* | 1.60m | €500,000)

The event grounds were abuzz with fans eager to witness the highlight of the 2023 Brussels Stephex Masters. Contenders tackled two challenging rounds, with only the top 12 from the initial round advancing to the final showdown. The rider accumulating the least penalties over the two rounds would be rewarded with an Audi Q8 e-tron. […]
Reactions and Reflections after the Grand Prix

It has been an eventful class and an equally eventful week. This provided plenty of talking points during the press conference. Olivier Philippaerts: “It was a unique afternoon for me. I was completely unaware I cleared the course. After I finished my round, I felt disappointed that I couldn’t compete in the second one. My […]
10 Reasons Why You Should Visit the Brussels Stephex Masters

From 23rd to 27th August 2023, equestrian excellence takes center stage at the Brussels Stephex Masters. This highly anticipated event not only captivates the international equestrian community, but also mesmerizes those who appreciate its vibrant atmosphere and thrilling experiences. Join us as we unveil the top 10 reasons why the Brussels Stephex Masters is an […]
Brussels Stephex Masters 2023 set to dazzle and amaze like never before.

Get ready for an unparalleled Equestrian extravaganza! Mark your calendars for 23rd to 27th of August as the most extraordinary Brussels Stephex Masters ever will unfold. With the HENDERS AND HAZEL Nations Cup coming to Wolvertem, a record number of riders competing in more classes than ever before, plus the electrifying ROLEX Grand Prix presented […]
Peder Fredricson took a double victory at the Rolex 5* Grand Prix of the Stephex Events 2022. A Throwback Triumph!

Swedish showjumper Peder Fredricson had an exceptional 2022 showjumping season, clinching two major victories at the Rolex CSIO5* of Knokke Hippique and the Rolex CSI5* of the Brussels Stephex Masters. These two triumphs have yet again proven that he is one of the most talented riders in the world. At the Rolex CSIO5* of Knokke […]
Peder Fredricson and Jessica Springsteen take a look ahead to the 5* competition

Today we already got the chance to fully enjoy the equestrian sport at top level. But tomorrow we are shifting up another gear. Then, the 5* horses come out to play. With champions like Peder Fredricson, Steve Guerdat, Jérôme Guery, Jessica Springsteen, Kevin Staut, Scott Brash, Roger-Yves Bost, Pieter Devos, Daniel Deusser, Harrie Smolders and […]
Discover the new event grounds and its stunning grass arenas

Everyone joining the fun at the Brussels Stephex Masters this week, will be stepping into a truly magical experience. The thrilling top-class sport, the unmatched atmosphere and the dazzling animation this event is known for, will, as of this year, be brought together at a brand-new, stunning event site featuring not one, but two grass […]