Star-studded lineup at the Brussels Stephex Masters 2021

BRUSSEL – From 25 till 29 August the domain of the Stephex Stables will be transformed into the home of the champions. And there will be a very impressive lineup of champions competing at the CSI5*-show in the Belgian capital. No less than seven Olympic medalists including the bronze winning Belgian team will be in attendance.

The stage is set for the highest ranked showjumpers of the world. The top three of the ranking list will compete, with on number one Stephex’s own Daniel Deusser, Martin Fuchs (SUI) and Scott Brash (GBR). Alongside these gentlemen also two members of the Olympic gold-winning team from Sweden, Malin Baryard-Johnsson and Henrik von Eckermann, will join us.

Silver team medalist Jessica Springsteen will fly the flag for the USA, next to Dutchman Maikel van der Vleuten who conquered individual Silver in Tokyo. For Belgium the three Olympic bronze musketeers, Jerome Guery, Pieter Devos and Gregory Wathelet will be there, jumping alongside their countrymen Niels Bruynseels, the Philippaerts brothers and the Conter sisters. And these are just a few of the top riders that are bound to impress us in Brussels.

Thanks to the long-term partnership with Audi and Rolex the show will work up to the Sunday finale of the € 500.000 Rolex Grand Prix which will provide spectacular sports at absolute top level. Next to the CSI5* classes there will be a whole series of highlights that include CSI3* Top Series, CSI2* Super Cup to the CSI1* Prestige League.

The Brussels Stephex Masters has been delighted to announce that permission has been given for the public to attend. At all times the priority will be the safety of all the competitors, their teams, our partners, the spectators, and all involved parties that make the event a success. The show will be organized according to the Covid-19 protocols of the Belgian government, and we will strictly maintain the safety measures in place.

Read more about the specific safety measures on the website of the Brussel Stephex Masters. The complete rider list can be found there as well and will be made available as soon as possible.

Foto van Veroniek



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