Peder Fredricson and Jessica Springsteen take a look ahead to the 5* competition

Today we already got the chance to fully enjoy the equestrian sport at top level. But tomorrow we are shifting up another gear. Then, the 5* horses come out to play. With champions like Peder Fredricson, Steve Guerdat, Jérôme Guery, Jessica Springsteen, Kevin Staut, Scott Brash, Roger-Yves Bost, Pieter Devos, Daniel Deusser, Harrie Smolders and Grégory Wathelet on the roster, we can expect some razor-sharp competition.

Over the next few days, visitors of the Brussels Stephex Masters will be treated to 5 5* classes with jumps ranging from 1.45 to 1.6 meters high. Top of the bill: The Rolex Grand prix, presented by Audi, on Sunday 28 August at 14h.

Jessica Springsteen

Last year’s winner: Jessica Springsteen

Jessica Springsteen, who won last year’s Rolex Grand Prix, presented by Audi, is definitely ambitious.

How does it feel to be back at the Brussels Stephex Masters?

“I am very excited to be here. It is a competition I look forward to every year and I think this, on the grass, this one will be even more special.”

Do you have your sights set on a back-to-back victory in the Rolex Grand Prix, presented by Audi?

I hope a can win! That’s always the goal. I know it is a very difficult competition and it will be my first Grand Prix with my new horse Light Blue 3, but I definitely feel good about it.”

Peder Fredricson

Olympic, WC and Knokke Hippique champion: Peder Fredricson

To win, Jessica will also have to face some tough competition. Among others, the Swede Peder Fredricson is competing for the victory. He won the Rolex Grand Prix at Knokke Hippique, has four Olympic medals to his name and won team gold at the World Championships in Herning a few weeks ago.

Are you planning to win both Stephex Grand Prix’ this year?

“Of course. Above all, I am here for the main class. From tomorrow on I will be preparing my horses for the GP. I will be competing in the 5* classes with Christian K and Catch Me Not and I will probably enter the GP with the latter. However, that is not my only goal at the Brussels Stephex Masters. I also have 5 young horses with me. This event is ideal for them to build up some routine.I really appreciate the organisation for hosting these amazing shows. Also, for me, the grass is a plus. It felt great today.”

How is your Knokke Hippique, Olympic and WC winner H&M All In doing?

He is super! At the moment he is enjoying some well-deserved time off before we head to Calgary.”

Come and experience the Rolex Grand Prix, presented by Audi here in Meise’s green equestrian paradise or follow it live via Sporza (Belgian National TV) or

Picture of Veroniek



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