The Brussels Stephex Masters, Belgium’s biggest horse jumping event, celebrates its tenth edition: a decade of sportsmanship and glamour

Wolvertem, 13 December 2023 – Brussels Stephex Masters is proud to announce the tenth edition of their event, taking place from 28 July to 1 August. The anniversary marks a decade of equestrian sport, entertainment and luxury.

Brussels Stephex Masters Celebrates Tenth Anniversary from August 28 to September 1, 2024

The Brussels Stephex Masters, making its debut in 2014, marks a milestone this year as a leading equestrian event in Europe. What began as a tribute to the art of horse riding has evolved into a celebration of excellence in the equestrian world and beyond.

Where Sport and Luxury Converge
“For ten years, we have strived for perfection in bringing together talented riders and equestrian enthusiasts. The tenth edition is a celebration of this achievement and a promise for even more spectacle in the future,” proudly states Ellen Van Guyse, Event Director of Brussels Stephex Masters.

A Decade of Triumphs and Traditions
The anniversary edition promises to be an unparalleled celebration, reflecting on a decade of triumphs and traditions. The organization is committed to making this jubilee year exceptionally memorable by paying attention to every detail, from the sporting program and facilities for horse and rider to VIP experiences and interactive entertainment for all ages.

Ellen Van Guyse emphasizes, “We have exciting plans for 2024. Together with our dedicated team and valued partners, we aim to elevate Brussels Stephex Masters and the equestrian sport to new heights. Our goal remains the same: sharing our passion for the equestrian world and the lifestyle associated with it.”

Exceptional Hospitality Opportunities
In addition to the spectacular sporting performances, Brussels Stephex Masters will shine in its outstanding hospitality. Participants and visitors can look forward to an unparalleled experience of luxury and hospitality. Whether it’s exclusive VIP lounges, gourmet culinary delights, or personalized services, the event promises to be an unforgettable experience for anyone looking to witness equestrian sports at its finest.

Picture of Julie



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We look forward to hosting you and your guests to this ultimate Brussels Stephex Masters edition. Please fill in your name and email address in the form below. In the message section please include any requests, the amount of people and the reason of your event. You will get a message back soon! 

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Discover more information in the partner brochure!

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Champions Lounge

We verheugen ons erop jou en je gasten te verwelkomen op deze onvergetelijke editie van Brussels Stephex Masters. Vul alsjeblieft je naam en e-mailadres in het onderstaande formulier in. Gebruik het bericht gedeelte om eventuele verzoeken aan ons door te geven. We zullen spoedig contact met je opnemen!

Trophy Club

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Vip Experience

Ben je klaar om deel te nemen aan onze exclusieve VIP Experience? Vul eenvoudig je volledige naam, e-mailadres en het gewenste type ervaring in. In het bericht gedeelte kun je aangeven met hoeveel personen je komt, de naam van je bedrijf (indien van toepassing) en eventuele speciale wensen. Wij zorgen ervoor dat we zo snel mogelijk contact met je opnemen!