Saut d’obstacles pour dummies: le guide ultime pour les débutants

Le saut d’obstacles est l’un des sports équestres les plus populaires au monde. Il allie vitesse, agilité, précision et une forte connexion entre le cavalier et le cheval. Que vous soyez novice complet ou que vous souhaitiez approfondir vos connaissances, à la fin de cet article, vous serez capable de suivre une compétition de saut […]
Tous ce qu’il faux savoir sur un CSIO5*

Vous êtes-vous déjà interrogé sur des termes tels que « CSI », « FEI », « niveau 5* » ou « Coupe des Nations »? Ces termes sont souvent utilisés dans le monde du saut d’obstacles. En tant que spectateur d’une compétition de saut d’obstacles, il est utile de connaître la signification de ces termes. Lisez la suite pour découvrir ce qui rend […]
Ben Maher clinches victory in the Rolex Grand Prix, presented by Audi (CSIO5* | 1.60m | €500,000)

The event grounds were abuzz with fans eager to witness the highlight of the 2023 Brussels Stephex Masters. Contenders tackled two challenging rounds, with only the top 12 from the initial round advancing to the final showdown. The rider accumulating the least penalties over the two rounds would be rewarded with an Audi Q8 e-tron. […]
Reactions and Reflections after the Grand Prix

It has been an eventful class and an equally eventful week. This provided plenty of talking points during the press conference. Olivier Philippaerts: « It was a unique afternoon for me. I was completely unaware I cleared the course. After I finished my round, I felt disappointed that I couldn’t compete in the second one. My […]
Meet Jenny Krogsaeter, the best CSI2*-rider at the Brussels Stephex Masters

« My mom was Darco’s groom. So the Philippaerts family has always treated me like one of their own. I’m fortunate to ride with them.” With the end of the Grand Prix, the ranking for the best CSI2*-rider of the event was also concluded. It was the Norwegian Jenny Krogsaeter who drove home with the title […]
Despite International Field, Belgian Youngsters Rule

All flawless 7- and 8-year-olds at the Brussels Stephex Masters are Belgian-bred The Brussels Stephex Masters offer riders the perfect opportunity to give their up-and-coming equine stars some valuable competition experience in a professional environment. The young horses competed in their second event today. Spanning both competitions, 3 eight-year-olds and 3 seven-year-olds stood out by […]
Steve Guerdat wins the « CSI5* qualification class, presented by Audi (1.50m | €70.000)

“In the Grand Prix I am riding Double Jeu D’Honvault in his first 5* Grand Prix. Maybe we are not the favorites but we had a good run at this show, and I’ll try my best for sure.” A brand new Audi Q3 Sportback was on display in the center of the arena tonight. Out […]
Comments After the Henders and Hazel Nations Cup

It was a lively atmosphere at the press conference after the Nations Cup. With lasers and fire shows in the background, the Germans, still a bit surprised, enjoyed their joint win. Stephan Conter (Stephex) and Paul Van den Bosch (Henders & Hazel) also joined the celebration. Here’s what they had to say: Jana Wargers: « It […]
Team Germany Triumphs in the Action-Packed Henders & Hazel Nations Cup (CSIO5 | 1.60m | € 200,000)*

What. A. Night. Ok, it rained today… quite a bit, actually. But even that did not keep the most amazing crowd in the world from flocking to the Brussels Stephex Masters in massive numbers. They really showed up big time today, not only in number but also in spirit. And they received unforgettable memories in […]
Tom Wachman (IRL) wins the CSI5* class presented by EquiHome

“I never dared dream that I would win my first 5* event here” Not long ago, he was competing in the European Championships for ponies. Tom Wachman is just 18 years old, but that didn’t stop him from clinching the first 5*-class of the Brussels Stephex Masters: “I was thrilled to have the opportunity to […]